Çerez Örnek

Prof. Dr. Erhan AKKUZU


    Irrigation, Irrigation System Performance, Water Hervesting

Education Informations:

    Bachelor's Degree: Ege University, 1992
    Master's Degree: Ege University, 1996
    Doktorate Degree: Ege University, 2001
    Assistant Professor: -
    Associate Professor: Ege University, 2008
    Professor: Ege University, 2015

Administrative and Academic Duties:

    Head of the Department, 2018-...
    Head of the Irrigation Discipline, 2018-...
    Vice Head of the Department, 2009-2016
    Faculty Committeeship, 2016-...

Contact Informations:

    E-mail: erhan.akkuzu @ege.edu.tr
    Telephone: (0232) 311 29 12
    Academic Server: https://avesis.ege.edu.tr/erhan.akkuzu/

Ege Üniversitesi